Head of Tide (HOT) for New Jersey Watercourses, Edition 1986 (Hydr_water_tidelands_HOT) (Web Mercator ArcGIS Online Service)

Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 19860101
Title: Head of Tide (HOT) for New Jersey Watercourses, Edition 1986 (Hydr_water_tidelands_HOT) (Web Mercator ArcGIS Online Service)
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Publication Information:
Publisher: NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
Online Linkage: https://www.nj.gov/dep/gis/digidownload/zips/OpenData/Hydr_water_tidelands_HOT.zip
Abstract: This is a graphical representation of the head of tide (hot) points for watercourses of New Jersey. This includes the tributaries of these watercourses as well.
Purpose: On 15 May, 1979, the Division of Purchase and Property, NJ Dept. of Treasury, issued an award to Coast Survey, Ltd. (CSL), on behalf of the Office of Environmental Analysis (OEA), Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP). Under the terms of that obligation CSL was required to: a). Locate the 'Head of Tide' (HOT) on all watercourses and their tributaries within the 2452 square mile area of the State subject to investigations for tidal claims; b). Document tidal rise and fall on all such watercourses and their tributaries.
Supplemental Information: DEFINITIONS: 1). TIDAL WATERCOURSES: A tidal watercourse is distinguished by periodic rise and fall of the water surface resulting from the gravitational interaction of the earth, the moon, and the sun. 2). HEAD OF TIDE (HOT): The HOT is the point on a tidal watercourse at which measurement of the water surface vertical movement at MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) becomes no longer practical. All points seaward of the HOT on a tidal watercourse are tidal. 3). UPPER WETLANDS BOUNDARY (UWB): The UWB is the line depicted on the New Jersey Wetland Photomaps prepared and filed in accordance with the Wetlands Act of 1970. CSL investigations started at the UWB and were carried out upstream of the UWB. 4). LIMIT LINE (LL): The LL is the line delineated on OEA Tidelands Basemaps, drawn only in cases where an area was not mapped under the 1970 Wetlands Act. CSL investigations started at the LL and were carried out upstream of the LL. Under the terms of the contract, CSL was not required to determine the HOT on: 1). Any watercourse within an area designated as "WETLANDS" on a promulgated State of New Jersey Wetlands Map. 2). Any watercourse seaward of the State LL. 3). Any watercourse less than 2.5 ft. in width. 4). Any watercourse on a Hackensack Meadowlands Map. 5). Any watercourse on a Newark-Elizabeth Meadowlands Map.
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: None planned
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -75.54931
East Bounding Coordinate: -73.89034
North Bounding Coordinate: 41.35597
South Bounding Coordinate: 38.9248
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: User
Theme Keyword: Hydr_water_tidelands_HOT
Theme Keyword: hot
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme Keyword: inlandWaters
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: head of tide
Theme Keyword: watercourses
Theme Keyword: tidelands
Theme Keyword: NJDEP
Theme Keyword: hot
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Theme Keyword: inlandWaters
Place Keyword Thesaurus: None
Place Keyword: New Jersey
Temporal Keyword Thesaurus: None
Temporal Keyword: 1986
Access Constraints: In most cases, a downloadable shapefile (.zip) version of this layer is also available. Information to download the shapefile can be found in the Distribution Section of this metadata record. This data layer is shown in the NJDEP's NJ-GeoWeb mapping application accessable through the Online Linkage: https://www.nj.gov/dep/gis/geowebsplash.htm
Use Constraints: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Data Distribution Agreement. The data provided herein are distributed subject to the following conditions and restrictions: NJDEP assumes no responsibility to maintain them in any manner or form and disclaims any duty or obligation to either maintain availability of or to update the data. Terms of Agreement 1. All data is provided, as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind, implied, expressed or statutory including, but not limited to, the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability or fitness for a particular use, freedom from computer virus nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the digital data layers furnished hereunder. User is responsible for understanding the accuracy limitations of all digital data layers provided herein, as documented in the accompanying cross-reference files (see SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION). Any reproduction or manipulation of the above data must ensure that the coordinate reference system remains intact. 2. Digital data received from the NJDEP may not be reproduced or redistributed without all the metadata provided. 3. Any maps, publications, reports, or other documents produced as a result of this project that utilize this digital data will credit the NJDEP's Geographic Information System (GIS) as the source of the data with the following credit/disclaimer: "This (map/publication/report) was developed using New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System digital data, but this secondary product has not been verified by NJDEP and is not state-authorized or endorsed." 4. NJDEP makes no warranty that digital data are free of Copyright or Trademark claims or other restrictions or limitations on free use or display. Making a copy of this data may be subject to the copyright of trademark laws.
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Land Use Regulation
Contact Person: Support Center
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing
Address: S Clinton & E State Station Plaza, Bldg 5
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: 609-777-0454
Contact Instructions: https://www.nj.gov/dep/landuse/contact.html
Browse Graphic:
Browse Graphic File Name: https://www.nj.gov/dep/gis/digidownload/images/statewide/hot.gif
Browse Graphic File Description: Snapshot image of head of tides
Browse Graphic File Type: GIF - Graphic Interchange Format
Native Data Set Environment: ARC/INFO, Export
Data Quality Information:
Attribute Value Accuracy Information:
Attribute Accuracy Report: Attributes checked by Tidelands delineators during the riparian mapping program. "Quad.name" and "quad.code" added later.
Logical Consistency Report: Points were located to within a minimum of 200 ft of the actual location and field observed.
Completeness Report: Complete
Positional Accuracy:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: Points were good to within 200ft of the actual head of tide at the time measurements were taken between 1979 and 1983. Points were recompiled to 1986 orthophoto quarterquads.
Positional Accuracy:
Vertical Positional Accuracy:
Vertical Positional Accuracy Report: N/A
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 19860101
Title: Tidelands Basemaps
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Other Citation Details: Head of tide points were located in the field using a variety of methodologies and mapped on diazo prints of the Tidelands basemaps. These points were recompiled to mylar.
Source Scale Denominator: 24000
Type of Source Media: hardcopyPaper
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 19860101
Source Currentness Reference: ground condition
Source Citation Abbreviation: Tidemaps
Source Contribution: Assisted in mapping head of tide points for recompilation to mylar.
Process Step:
Process Description:
Head of tide points were located in the field using a variety of methodologies and mapped on diazo prints of the Tidelands basemaps. These points were recompiled to mylar. Points were located to within a minimum of 200 ft of the actual location and field observed. Points were recompiled to 1986 orthophoto quarterquads and digitized, plotted back on mylar and edited.
Process Date: unknown
Spatial Data Organization Information:
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Point and Vector Object Information:
SDTS Terms Description:
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: Entity point
Point and Vector Object Count: 360
Entity and Attribute Information:
Detailed Description:
Entity Type:
Entity Type Label: Head of Tide
Entity Type Definition: The point on a tidal watercourse at which measurement of the water surface vertical movement is at MEAN
Entity Type Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Label: OBJECTID
Attribute Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute Label: HOT_
Attribute Definition: ID
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique
Attribute Label: HOT_ID
Attribute Definition: ID
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique
Attribute Label: MAJORAREA
Attribute Definition: The major areas of study for the dataset
Attribute Definition: Each Majorarea was divided into twelve Subareas on the basis of watershed boundaries
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 1
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: The New York Border to Sandy Hook
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Sandy Hook to Cape May
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Cape May to Artificial Island
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 4
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Artificial Island to Trenton
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Label: SUBAREA
Attribute Definition: The sub areas of study which are based on based on the Majorarea
Attribute Definition: Each Majorarea was divided into twelve Subareas on the basis of watershed boundaries
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Definition Source: Enumerated_Domain Enumerated_Domain_Value Enumerated_Domain Enumerated_Domain_Value Enumerated_Domain Enumerated_Domain_Value Enumerated_Domain Enumerated_Domain_Value
Attribute Label: ITEM
Attribute Definition: Each point investigated was given a three character unique identifier
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: CLASS
Attribute Definition: Each watercourse investigated was assigned one of three classes for head of tide
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 1
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Field inspection verifies and field notes document that no tidal influence exits at the item.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Field investigation verifies and field notes document that a definite rise and fall exists and that tidal influence terminates at a well defined point, such as a natural or man-made obstruction.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Field investigations suggest that tidal rise and fall exist but no termination point is readily discernable.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Label: TYPE
Attribute Definition: Six methods were used to determine head of tide
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 1
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: PTG- Photo tide gauge
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: TT- Tide Tester
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Measure- Physical measurement down to water level at a dam or structure.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 4
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Observation- Simple observation to determine HOT
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 5
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: OTL- (Observed tidal limit) Gauged HOT seaward of the UWB.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 6
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: LTI- (Limit of tidal influence) Gauged HOT landward of the UWB.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Label: NAME
Attribute Definition: Name of the watercourse or tributary investigated
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: MAP_
Attribute Definition: MAP
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: X_COORD
Attribute Definition: NAD27 state plane x coordinate
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: Y_COORD
Attribute Definition: NAD27 state plane y coordinate
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: QUAD_NAME
Attribute Definition: QUAD NAME
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: QUAD_CODE
Attribute Definition: QUAD CODE
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: POLYGONID
Attribute Definition: POLYGON ID
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: SCALE
Attribute Definition: SCALE
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: ANGLE
Attribute Definition: ANGLE
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Domain
Attribute Label: SHAPE
Attribute Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Distribution Information:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: NJDEP/DOIT/Bureau of GIS
Contact Person: GIS Help Desk
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 777-0672
Contact Facsimile Telephone: (609) 292-7900
Contact Electronic Mail Address: gisnet@dep.nj.gov
Resource Description: Downloadable Data
Distribution Liability: This organization provides the geographic data "as is". This organization makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. Also, this organization makes no warranty either expressed or implied, regarding the condition of the product or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these files have been processed successfully on computers at this organization, no warranty is made by this organization regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty. See also "Use Constraints" for additional distribution and/or data use requirements.
Standard Order Process:
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: DEP distributes ESRI .SHP and/or GDB. Some data may be NJ GeoWeb "display only" layers.
Format Version Number: latest version
File Decompression Technique: WinZip
Digital Transfer Option:
Online Option:
Computer Contact Information:
Network Address:
Network Resource Name: https://www.nj.gov/dep/gis
Computer Contact Information:
Network Address:
Network Resource Name: https://www.nj.gov/dep/gis/geowebsplash.htm
Online Option:
Computer Contact Information:
Network Address:
Network Resource Name: https://gisdata-njdep.opendata.arcgis.com/
Fees: None
Ordering Instructions: All available NJDEP public GIS data can be downloaded for free. Some data shown in NJGeoWeb application may not yet be available for download due to various data or distribution issues. Please email gisnet@dep.nj.gov with any data distribution questions.
Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata Date: 20010620
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: NJDEP/DOIT/Bureau of GIS
Contact Person: GIS Help Desk
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 777-0672
Contact Facsimile Telephone: (609) 292-7900
Contact Electronic Mail Address: gisnet@dep.nj.gov
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention: local time