Ambient Biomonitoring Network (AMNET), New Jersey, Edition 20230320 (Envr_mon_water_biopt) (Web Mercator ArcGIS Online Service)

Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 20230320
Title: Ambient Biomonitoring Network (AMNET), New Jersey, Edition 20230320 (Envr_mon_water_biopt) (Web Mercator ArcGIS Online Service)
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Publication Information:
Publisher: NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
Other Citation Details: The NJDEP may distribute GIS data in a variety of formats, such as the ESRI shapefile and/or various versions of the file geodatabase format. The data also may be available for viewing on various profiles of the NJ GeoWeb online mapping application.
Online Linkage:
Abstract: This data represents point sites sampled by NJDEP as part of its Ambient Biomonitoring Network (AMNET). Sites are sampled in every Watershed Management Area (WMA) in the State. Historically, the New Jersey Impairment Score (NJIS), based on family level taxonomy, was used for the entire state to make assessments at three levels of impairment; non-impaired, moderately impaired, and severely impaired. Indices were developed, based on genus level taxonomy and grouped into three distinct geographical regions: high gradient (above the Fall Line), low gradient (Coastal Plain excluding the Pinelands), and Pinelands (the boundary of the Pinelands National Reserve plus a 5-km buffer). These indices are called High Gradient Macroinvertebrate Index (HGMI), Coastal Plain Macroinvertebrate Index (CPMI), and the Pinelands Macroinvertebrate Index (PMI). These indices replace the NJIS and offer a greater level of resolution using four levels of assessment; excellent, good, fair, and poor. Round 1 data has been assessed using NJIS, while all subsequent rounds are assessed using the HGMI, CPMI, or PMI.
Purpose: In 1992, NJDEP reactivated its Ambient Biomonitoring Network (AMNET) to support its Statewide Water Quality Inventory [305(b)], Impaired Waters [303(d)], and Watershed Programs. Under the program, sites in each of New Jersey's five Water Regions are sampled for benthic macroinvertebrates on a rotating schedule (once every five years). To date, the third round of sampling has been completed for all Water Regions. The results of the program have been incorporated into New Jersey's Environmental Performance Partnership Agreement (NEPPS) with USEPA as a primary environmental indicator of water quality impairment.
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Range of Dates/Times:
Beginning Date: 19920101
Ending Date: 20170606
Currentness Reference: ground condition
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: As needed
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -75.451579
East Bounding Coordinate: -73.930801
North Bounding Coordinate: 41.35191
South Bounding Coordinate: 39.024572
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme Keyword: environment
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: RBP
Theme Keyword: benthic aquatic macroinvertebrate
Theme Keyword: NJDEP
Theme Keyword: biomonitoring
Theme Keyword: taxon abundance
Theme Keyword: abnormalities
Theme Keyword: biological
Theme Keyword: AMNET
Theme Keyword: impairment
Theme Keyword: Rapid Bioassessment Protocol
Theme Keyword: ambient
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: biopts
Theme Keyword: Envr_mon_water_biopt
Place Keyword Thesaurus: None
Place Keyword: New Jersey
Access Constraints: None
Use Constraints: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Data Distribution Agreement. The data provided herein are distributed subject to the following conditions and restrictions: NJDEP assumes no responsibility to maintain them in any manner or form and disclaims any duty or obligation to either maintain availability of or to update the data. Terms of Agreement 1. All data is provided, as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind, implied, expressed or statutory including, but not limited to, the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability or fitness for a particular use, freedom from computer virus nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the digital data layers furnished hereunder. User is responsible for understanding the accuracy limitations of all digital data layers provided herein, as documented in the accompanying cross-reference files (see SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION). Any reproduction or manipulation of the above data must ensure that the coordinate reference system remains intact. 2. Digital data received from the NJDEP may not be reproduced or redistributed without all the metadata provided. 3. Any maps, publications, reports, or other documents produced as a result of this project that utilize this digital data will credit the NJDEP's Geographic Information System (GIS) as the source of the data with the following credit/disclaimer: "This (map/publication/report) was developed using New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System digital data, but this secondary product has not been verified by NJDEP and is not state-authorized or endorsed." 4. NJDEP makes no warranty that digital data are free of Copyright or Trademark claims or other restrictions or limitations on free use or display. Making a copy of this data may be subject to the copyright of trademark laws.
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Water Monitoring
Contact Person: Lager, Leigh
Contact Position: Geographic Information Systems Specialist 2
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical
Address: 35 Arctic Parkway
City: Ewing Twp
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08638
Contact Voice Telephone: 609-943-3266
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Contact Instructions: via email
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), Bureau of Freshwater Biological Monitoring (BFBM)
Contact Person: Leigh Lager
Contact Position: GIS Specialist
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical
Address: 35 Arctic Parkway
City: Ewing Twp
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08638
Contact Voice Telephone: 609-943-3266
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Contact Instructions: via email
Browse Graphic:
Browse Graphic File Name:
Browse Graphic File Description: image
Browse Graphic File Type: GIF
Native Data Set Environment: Esri ArcGIS
Data Quality Information:
Attribute Value Accuracy Information:
Attribute Accuracy Report: Spatial attributes were checked by intersecting with the NJDEP GIS data layer for hydrography developed from USGS quads (for water body names).
Logical Consistency Report: NJDEP BFBM GIS staff visually reviewed the attribute table for consistent names. The "find unmatched" query in Microsoft Access was used to compare the attribute table against a database maintained by the AMNET biomonitoring. The NJDEP/BFBM AMNET staff reviewed hardcopy maps for all sites to make sure the points were at the correct locations, labeled correctly and had the correct impairment rating.
Completeness Report: This coverage is complete for the first thru fourth rounds of sampling. The fifth round is partially complete.
Positional Accuracy:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: Coordinates obtained with GPS are accurate within 50 feet. However, many points are located on bridges, while the actual sampling location may be up to 300 feet upstream or downstream of the GPS position. Leaf cover or steep slopes usually prevented the collection of GPS coordinates at the actual, in-stream location.
Positional Accuracy:
Vertical Positional Accuracy:
Vertical Positional Accuracy Report: Not applicable; vertical position information was not recorded.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 19520101
Publication Time: unknown
Title: 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic) Quadrangles
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: map
Publication Information:
Publisher: USGS
Other Citation Details: With various photorevision dates on individual quad sheets.
Source Scale Denominator: 24000
Type of Source Media: hardcopyPaper
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 19980101
Source Currentness Reference: ground condition
Source Citation Abbreviation: USGS Quad
Source Contribution: Used to obtain stream names
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 20001229
Publication Time: unknown
Title: AMNET database
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: database
Publication Information:
Publisher: NJDEP
Other Citation Details: Microsoft Access database maintained by the AMNET field staff containing site numbers, impairment scores, impairment ratings, status and presence of chironomid abnormalities.
Source Scale Denominator: 1200
Type of Source Media: onLine
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 20000101
Source Currentness Reference: publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation: AMNET.MDB
Source Contribution: Joined to shapefile of sampling sites
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 20101101
Publication Time: unknown
Title: National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Streams 2002
Publication Information:
Publisher: NJDEP
Online Linkage:
Source Scale Denominator: 2400
Type of Source Media: onLine
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 20101101
Source Currentness Reference: ground condition
Source Citation Abbreviation: NHD Streams 2002
Source Contribution: Name from the source was compared to water body name in biopts
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: unknown
Title: Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles
Publication Information:
Publisher: USGS
Source Scale Denominator: 1200
Type of Source Media: CD-ROM
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 19940222
Source Currentness Reference: ground condition
Source Citation Abbreviation: imageXXX.sid
Source Contribution: Images were used as base layers to confirm station location using ESRI ArcView 3.2
Process Step:
Process Description:
Points were generated by: 1) Taking the *.pts and *.inf files output by Trimble Navigation's PFINDER software and running the NJDEP AML "gpsarc" to generate ArcInfo coverages, or 2) Using Trimble Navigation's Pathfinder Office software to generate ESRI ArcView shapefiles, or 3) Using Trimble Navigation's PFINDER or Pathfinder Office software to generate Latitude/Longitude coordinates and using the: a) "NJDEP Facility Locator" extension, b) "Zoom to Lat/Long" extension, or c) "Convert lat/long file to state plane shape" extensions to locate the points. The existing biopts shapefile was then edited and a point was added using the Draw Point tool. Attributes for the NJIS, Impairment Ratings, Habitat Assessment, the presence of abnormalities in chironomid larvae, and the site status were joined to this shapefile from the Microsoft Access database maintained by the NJDEP/BFBM staff that did the sampling with the points.
Process Date: 20011114
Process Step:
Process Description:
Data updated to Round 4 using similar processing steps. Corrections conducted in May 2012 to correct some round 4 domain values.
Process Date: 20120501
Process Step:
Process Description:
Data updated to LDL Round 4 using similar processing steps.
Process Date: 20160427
Process Step:
Process Description:
Data updated to UDEL and RAR Round 5 using similar processing steps.
Process Date: 20160427
Spatial Data Organization Information:
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Point and Vector Object Information:
SDTS Terms Description:
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: Entity point
Point and Vector Object Count: 910
Entity and Attribute Information:
Detailed Description:
Entity Type:
Entity Type Label: Envr_mon_water_biopt
Entity Type Definition: NJDEP Ambient Biomonitoring Network (AMNET)
Entity Type Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Label: OBJECTID
Attribute Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute Label: SITE
Attribute Definition: Unique identifier number for sampling location
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Codeset Domain:
Codeset Name: AMNET Site Numbers
Codeset Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: IMP_DISPLAY
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment rating for the last round of sampling for display purposes
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Nosample
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No sample collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Extreme changes in structure of biological community and major loss of ecosystem function. Extreme changes in structure; wholesale changes in taxonomic composition; extreme alterations from normal densities and distributions; organism condition is often poor; ecosystem functions are severely altered
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Excellent
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Minimal changes in structure of biological community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Virtually all native taxa are maintained with some changes to biomass and/or abundance; ecosystem functions are fully maintained within the range of natural variability
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Fair
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderate to major changes in structure of biological community and moderate changes in ecosystem function. Sensitive taxa are markedly diminished; conspicuously unbalanced distribution of major groups from that expected; organism condition shows signs of physiological stress; system function shows reduced complexity
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Good
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Some evident changes in structure of the biotic community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Some changes in structure due to loss of some rare native taxa; shifts in relative abundance of taxa but sensitive-ubiquitous taxa are common and abundant; ecosystem functions are fully maintained
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: WATER
Attribute Definition: Name of water body from which sample was collected
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Names are from US Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangles.
Attribute Label: LOC
Attribute Definition: Street and/or route number closest to where sample was collected
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Names are from US Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangles and from local observation of street signs and route markers.
Attribute Label: MUN
Attribute Definition: Municipality where sample was collected
Attribute Definition Source: None
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique value
Attribute Label: COUNTY
Attribute Definition: County in which sample was collected
Attribute Definition Source: None
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique value
Attribute Label: WMA
Attribute Definition: Watershed Management Area number
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Number assigned to the Watershed Management Area name
Attribute Label: WMA_NAME
Attribute Definition: Watershed Management Area name
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique value
Attribute Label: WR_NAME
Attribute Definition: Watershed Management Area name
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique value
Attribute Label: ACTIVE
Attribute Definition: Site is or is not sampled as part of the AMNET as of the last region sampled
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: True
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Site is sampled as part of the AMNET
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: False
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Site is not sampled as part of the AMNET
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: METHOD
Attribute Definition: Method used to determine AMNET site's latitude/longitude coordinates
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: PI
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Photo Interpolation
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: GPS
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Global Positioning System
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: INDEX_
Attribute Definition: Sampling area based on geographical regions
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: HGMI
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: High Gradient Macroinvertebrate Index
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: PMI
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Pinelands Macroinvertebrate Index
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: CPMI
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Coastal Plain Macroinvertebrate Index
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: NJIS1
Attribute Definition: New Jersey Impairment Score for first round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 30
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 30
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 99
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No calculated value.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 0
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 0
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 15
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 15
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 24
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 24
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 0
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 12
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 12
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 27
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 27
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 21
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 21
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 9
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 9
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 18
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 18
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 6
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: calculated value of 6
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: IMPAIR1
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment rating for the first round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: None
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Non-impaired: benthic community comparable to other undisturbed streams within the region; community characterized by a maximum taxa richness, balanced taxa groups, and good representation of intolerant individuals.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Nosample
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No sample collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Severe
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Severely Impaired: benthic community drastically different from those in less impaired situations; macroinvertebrates dominated by few taxa, but with many individuals; only intolerant individuals present
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Moderate
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderately Impaired: macroinvertebrate richness reduced, in particular, EPT taxa; reduced community balance and number of intolerant taxa
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: NJISS
Attribute Definition: New Jersey Impairment Score for supplemental round of sampling in the Lower Delaware Water Region
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 0
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 0
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 9
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 9
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 27
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 27
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 12
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 12
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 30
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 30
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 24
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 24
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 15
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 15
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 21
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 21
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 18
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 18
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 99
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No calculated value. Site not sampled
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 6
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Calculated value of 6
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: IMPAIRS
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment rating for supplemental round of sampling in the Lower Delaware Water Region
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Moderate
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderately Impaired: macroinvertebrate richness reduced, in particular, EPT taxa; reduced community balance and number of intolerant taxa
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Nosample
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No sample collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Severe
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Severely Impaired: benthic community drastically different from those in less impaired situations; macroinvertebrates dominated by few taxa, but with many individuals; only intolerant individuals present
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: None
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Non-impaired: benthic community comparable to other undisturbed streams within the region; community characterized by a maximum taxa richness, balanced taxa groups, and good representation of intolerant individuals
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: HABITATS
Attribute Definition: Habitat Score for supplemental round of sampling in the Lower Delaware Water Region. Parameters evaluated included in-stream substrate, channel morphology, bank structural features, and riparian vegetation. The area evaluated included the sample site and its immediate surroundings (usually within a 100 - 200 foot radius). The qualitative habitat assessment involves four condition categories, rating each parameter as optimal, suboptimal, marginal or poor based on recently revised EPA criteria (Barbour et. al, 1997 "Revision to Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, and Fish. USEPA 841-D-97-002). Note: a score of 999 indicates the site was not assessed for habitat
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 66
Range Domain Maximum: 187
Attribute Label: ABNORMALS
Attribute Definition: Physical abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from site during supplemental round of sampling in the Lower Delaware Water Region.
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: False
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities not present on chironomid larvae collected from site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: True
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: SCORE2
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment score for the second round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique value
Attribute Label: IMPAIR2
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment rating for the second round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Extreme changes in structure of biological community and major loss of ecosystem function. Extreme changes in structure; wholesale changes in taxonomic composition; extreme alterations from normal densities and distributions; organism condition is often poor; ecosystem functions are severely altered
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Excellent
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Minimal changes in structure of biological community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Virtually all native taxa are maintained with some changes to biomass and/or abundance; ecosystem functions are fully maintained within the range of natural variability
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Nosample
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No sample collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Fair
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderate to major changes in structure of biological community and moderate changes in ecosystem function. Sensitive taxa are markedly diminished; conspicuously unbalanced distribution of major groups from that expected; organism condition shows signs of physiological stress; system function shows reduced complexity
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Good
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Some evident changes in structure of the biotic community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Some changes in structure due to loss of some rare native taxa; shifts in relative abundance of taxa but sensitive-ubiquitous taxa are common and abundant; ecosystem functions are fully maintained
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: HAB_SCORE2
Attribute Definition: Habitat Score for the second round of sampling. Each gradient assessment is comprised of 10 individual habitat parameters. Each parameter is scored on a 0-20 scale corresponding to each of 4 categories reflecting a continuum of conditions (optimal, suboptimal, marginal, and poor). Scores for all parameters are tabulated for a final habitat score (a 0-200 scale) and habitat rating. Note: a score of 999 indicates the site was not assessed for habitat
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 200
Attribute Label: HAB_RAT2
Attribute Definition: Habitat Rating for the second round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in less than 60
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Optimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 160 - 200
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Marginal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 60 - 109
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Suboptimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 110 - 159
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: ABNORMAL2
Attribute Definition: Physical abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from site during the second round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: True
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: False
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities not present on chironomid larvae collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: SCORE3
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment score for the third round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique value
Attribute Label: IMPAIR3
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment rating for the third round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Nosample
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No sample collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Extreme changes in structure of biological community and major loss of ecosystem function. Extreme changes in structure; wholesale changes in taxonomic composition; extreme alterations from normal densities and distributions; organism condition is often poor; ecosystem functions are severely altered
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Excellent
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Minimal changes in structure of biological community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Virtually all native taxa are maintained with some changes to biomass and/or abundance; ecosystem functions are fully maintained within the range of natural variability
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Fair
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderate to major changes in structure of biological community and moderate changes in ecosystem function. Sensitive taxa are markedly diminished; conspicuously unbalanced distribution of major groups from that expected; organism condition shows signs of physiological stress; system function shows reduced complexity
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Good
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Some evident changes in structure of the biotic community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Some changes in structure due to loss of some rare native taxa; shifts in relative abundance of taxa but sensitive-ubiquitous taxa are common and abundant; ecosystem functions are fully maintained
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: HAB_SCORE3
Attribute Definition: Habitat Score for the third round of sampling. Each gradient assessment is comprised of 10 individual habitat parameters. Each parameter is scored on a 0-20 scale corresponding to each of 4 categories reflecting a continuum of conditions (optimal, suboptimal, marginal, and poor). Scores for all parameters are tabulated for a final habitat score (a 0-200 scale) and habitat rating. Note: a score of 999 indicates the site was not assessed for habitat
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 200
Attribute Label: HAB_RAT3
Attribute Definition: Habitat Rating for the third round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Optimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 160 - 200
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Marginal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 60 - 109
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in less than 60.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Suboptimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 110 - 159
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: ABNORMAL3
Attribute Definition: Physical abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from site during the third round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: True
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: False
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities not present on chironomid larvae collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: SCORE4
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment score for the fourth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique value
Attribute Label: IMPAIR4
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment rating for the fourth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Excellent
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Minimal changes in structure of biological community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Virtually all native taxa are maintained with some changes to biomass and/or abundance; ecosystem functions are fully maintained within the range of natural variability
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Nosample
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No sample collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Fair
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderate to major changes in structure of biological community and moderate changes in ecosystem function. Sensitive taxa are markedly diminished; conspicuously unbalanced distribution of major groups from that expected; organism condition shows signs of physiological stress; system function shows reduced complexity
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Good
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Some evident changes in structure of the biotic community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Some changes in structure due to loss of some rare native taxa; shifts in relative abundance of taxa but sensitive-ubiquitous taxa are common and abundant; ecosystem functions are fully maintained
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Extreme changes in structure of biological community and major loss of ecosystem function. Extreme changes in structure; wholesale changes in taxonomic composition; extreme alterations from normal densities and distributions; organism condition is often poor; ecosystem functions are severely altered
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: HAB_SCORE4
Attribute Definition: Habitat Score for the fourth round of sampling. Each gradient assessment is comprised of 10 individual habitat parameters. Each parameter is scored on a 0-20 scale corresponding to each of 4 categories reflecting a continuum of conditions (optimal, suboptimal, marginal, and poor). Scores for all parameters are tabulated for a final habitat score (a 0-200 scale) and habitat rating. Note: a score of 999 indicates the site was not assessed for habitat
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 200
Attribute Label: HAB_RAT4
Attribute Definition: Habitat Rating for the fourth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Marginal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 60 - 109
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Suboptimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 110 - 159
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Optimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 160 - 200
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in less than 60
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: ABNORMAL4
Attribute Definition: Physical abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from site during the fourth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: False
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities not present on chironomid larvae collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: SCORE5
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment score for the fifth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Unique Value
Attribute Label: IMPAIR5
Attribute Definition: Biological impairment rating for the fifth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Excellent
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Minimal changes in structure of biological community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Virtually all native taxa are maintained with some changes to biomass and/or abundance; ecosystem functions are fully maintained within the range of natural variability
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Nosample
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No sample collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Fair
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderate to major changes in structure of biological community and moderate changes in ecosystem function. Sensitive taxa are markedly diminished; conspicuously unbalanced distribution of major groups from that expected; organism condition shows signs of physiological stress; system function shows reduced complexity
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Good
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Some evident changes in structure of the biotic community and minimal changes in ecosystem function. Some changes in structure due to loss of some rare native taxa; shifts in relative abundance of taxa but sensitive-ubiquitous taxa are common and abundant; ecosystem functions are fully maintained
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Extreme changes in structure of biological community and major loss of ecosystem function. Extreme changes in structure; wholesale changes in taxonomic composition; extreme alterations from normal densities and distributions; organism condition is often poor; ecosystem functions are severely altered
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: HAB_SCORE5
Attribute Definition: Habitat Score for the fifth round of sampling. Each gradient assessment is comprised of 10 individual habitat parameters. Each parameter is scored on a 0-20 scale corresponding to each of 4 categories reflecting a continuum of conditions (optimal, suboptimal, marginal, and poor). Scores for all parameters are tabulated for a final habitat score (a 0-200 scale) and habitat rating. Note: a score of 999 indicates the site was not assessed for habitat
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 200
Attribute Label: HAB_RAT5
Attribute Definition: Habitat Rating for the fifth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Marginal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 60 - 109
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Suboptimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 110 - 159
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Optimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 160 - 200
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in less than 60
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: ABNORMAL5
Attribute Definition: Physical abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from site during the fifth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: False
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities not present on chironomid larvae collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: HAB_SCORE6
Attribute Definition: Habitat Score for the sixth round of sampling. Each gradient assessment is comprised of 10 individual habitat parameters. Each parameter is scored on a 0-20 scale corresponding to each of 4 categories reflecting a continuum of conditions (optimal, suboptimal, marginal, and poor). Scores for all parameters are tabulated for a final habitat score (a 0-200 scale) and habitat rating. Note: a score of 999 indicates the site was not assessed for habitat
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 200
Attribute Label: HAB_RAT6
Attribute Definition: Habitat Rating for the sixth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Marginal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 60 - 109
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Suboptimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 110 - 159
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Optimal
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in range of 160 - 200
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Poor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Final habitat score is in less than 60
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: ABNORMAL6
Attribute Definition: Physical abnormalities present on chironomid larvae collected from site during the sixth round of sampling
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: False
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Abnormalities not present on chironomid larvae collected from the site
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP/BFBM
Attribute Label: SHAPE
Attribute Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Overview Description:
Entity and Attribute Overview:
Note: Attribute headings may be truncated in Shapefile format. Additionally, the attribute OBJECTID is changed to FID in the Shapefile format.
Entity and Attribute Detail Citation: None
Distribution Information:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: NJDEP/DOIT/Bureau of GIS
Contact Person: GIS Help Desk
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 777-0672
Contact Facsimile Telephone: (609) 292-7900
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Resource Description: Downloadable Data
Distribution Liability: This organization provides the geographic data "as is". This organization makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. Also, this organization makes no warranty either expressed or implied, regarding the condition of the product or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these files have been processed successfully on computers at this organization, no warranty is made by this organization regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty. See also "Use Constraints" for additional distribution and/or data use requirements.
Standard Order Process:
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: DEP distributes ESRI .SHP and/or GDB. Some data may be NJ GeoWeb "display only" layers.
Format Version Number: latest version
File Decompression Technique: WinZip
Digital Transfer Option:
Online Option:
Computer Contact Information:
Network Address:
Network Resource Name:
Computer Contact Information:
Network Address:
Network Resource Name:
Fees: None
Ordering Instructions: All available NJDEP public GIS data can be downloaded for free. Some data shown in NJGeoWeb application may not yet be available for download due to various data or distribution issues. Please email with any data distribution questions.
Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata Date: 20230320
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), Bureau of Freshwater Biological Monitoring (BFBM)
Contact Person: Leigh Lager
Contact Position: GIS Specialist
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical
Address: 35 Arctic Parkway
City: Ewing Twp
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08638
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 943-3266
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Contact Instructions: via email
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention: local time