Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) for Shellfish-Impaired Waters, New Jersey, Edition 20240425 (Envr_mon_TMDL_shellfish) (Web Mercator ArcGIS Online Service)

Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 20240425
Title: Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) for Shellfish-Impaired Waters, New Jersey, Edition 20240425 (Envr_mon_TMDL_shellfish) (Web Mercator ArcGIS Online Service)
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Publication Information:
Publisher: NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
Online Linkage:
Abstract: The pollutant of concern for these shellfish TMDLs is total coliform. Nonpoint and stormwater point sources are the primary sources of total coliform/fecal coliform loads in these waterbodies. Source loads were estimated for land uses in each watershed and for local marinas that may be causing water quality impacts in these waterbodies. TMDLs were developed based on an analysis of the existing pathogen indicator data compared to NSSP and NJDEP pathogen indicator criteria, and the loading capacity has been allocated among the point and nonpoint sources. The TMDL reports include implementation strategies that will bring the subject waterbodies into compliance with the NSSP criteria for unrestricted shellfish harvest.
Purpose: TMDLs are required, under Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act, to be developed for waterbodies that cannot meet surface water quality standards after the implementation of technology-based effluent limitations. Once adopted in the NJ Register they are official added as amendments to the DEP's Water Quality Management Plan. TMDLs are mechanisms for identifying all the contributors to surface water quality impacts and setting goals for load reduction for pollutants of concern as necessary to meet SWQS.
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 20240425
Currentness Reference: Publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: As needed
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -75.559626
East Bounding Coordinate: -73.971252
North Bounding Coordinate: 40.47822
South Bounding Coordinate: 38.924936
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: surface water
Theme Keyword: fecal
Theme Keyword: TMDL
Theme Keyword: waterbody
Theme Keyword: swqs
Theme Keyword: water quality
Theme Keyword: Total Maximum Daily Loads
Theme Keyword: pathogens
Theme Keyword: shellfish
Theme Keyword: total coliform
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme Keyword: environment
Place Keyword Thesaurus: None
Place Keyword: New Jersey
Access Constraints: None
Use Constraints: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Data Distribution Agreement. The data provided herein are distributed subject to the following conditions and restrictions: NJDEP assumes no responsibility to maintain them in any manner or form and disclaims any duty or obligation to either maintain availability of or to update the data. Terms of Agreement 1. All data is provided, as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind, implied, expressed or statutory including, but not limited to, the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability or fitness for a particular use, freedom from computer virus nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the digital data layers furnished hereunder. User is responsible for understanding the accuracy limitations of all digital data layers provided herein, as documented in the accompanying cross-reference files (see SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION). Any reproduction or manipulation of the above data must ensure that the coordinate reference system remains intact. 2. Digital data received from the NJDEP may not be reproduced or redistributed without all the metadata provided. 3. Any maps, publications, reports, or other documents produced as a result of this project that utilize this digital data will credit the NJDEP's Geographic Information System (GIS) as the source of the data with the following credit/disclaimer: "This (map/publication/report) was developed using New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System digital data, but this secondary product has not been verified by NJDEP and is not state-authorized or endorsed." 4. NJDEP makes no warranty that digital data are free of Copyright or Trademark claims or other restrictions or limitations on free use or display. Making a copy of this data may be subject to the copyright of trademark laws.
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Bureau of Environmental Analysis, Restoration and Standards (BEARS)
Contact Person: Frank Klapinski, Jr.
Contact Position: Environmental Scientist
Contact Address:
Address Type: physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 633-1441
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Native Data Set Environment: ESRI ArcCatalog
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: unpublished material
Title: TMDL documentation
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Other Citation Details: Additional TMDL Documentation: "Five Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Coliform to Address Shellfish-Impaired Waters in Watershed Management Area 12 Atlantic Coastal Water Region" "Fourteen Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Coliform to Address Shellfish-Impaired Waters in Watershed Management Area 13 Atlantic Coastal Water Region" "Five Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Coliform to Address Shellfish-Impaired Waters in Watershed Management Area 14 Atlantic Coastal Water Region" "Six Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Coliform to Address Shellfish-Impaired Waters in Watershed Management Area 15 Atlantic Coastal Water Region" "Ten Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Coliform to Address Shellfish-Impaired Waters in Watershed Management Area 16 Atlantic Coastal Water Region" "Six Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Coliform to Address Shellfish-Impaired Waters in Watershed Management Area 17 Lower Delaware Water Region".
Data Quality Information:
Attribute Value Accuracy Information:
Attribute Accuracy Report: Accuracy was checked by observing any blank, or odd characters within each data field. Further examination was done to ensure that the database was consistent with the regulations for National Shellfish Sanitation Program.
Logical Consistency Report: Topological errors corrected as needed. Source data obtained from 1998 NJDEP Water Bodies for New Jersey (1:24000)
Completeness Report: No known omissions
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: unknown
Title: TMDL Report
Publication Information:
Publisher: NJDEP
Other Citation Details: The publication date could range from 1999-2010.
Source Scale Denominator: 0
Type of Source Media: hardcopyPaper
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Range of Dates/Times:
Beginning Date: 19990101
Ending Date: 20100101
Source Currentness Reference: ground condition
Source Citation Abbreviation: NJDEP
Source Contribution: Each TMDL calculation is unique to resolving water quality impairment in the defined contributing drainage. This data was created through the TMDL report writing process.
Process Step:
Process Description:
The original shapefiles and subsequent polygons developed through various TMDL efforts were assembled and organized into 3 categories (labeled “Historic_Stream_TMDLs”, “Lake_TMDLs”, and “Shellfish_TMDLs”). As additional TMDLs were completed, new TMDL polygons were organized into a category entitled “Updated_Stream_TMDLs”. Recently, the information contained in the aforementioned 4 categories have been converted to feature classes in a geodatabase. The attributes have been standardized for the full TMDL dataset.
Process Date: 20150601
Process Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Bureau of Environmental Analysis, Restoration and Standards (BEARS)
Contact Person: Frank Klapinski, Jr.
Contact Position: Environmental Scientist
Contact Address:
Address Type: physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 633-1441
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Process Step:
Process Description:
Pre-existing attribute fields were edited and new attribute fields (i.e. NJDEP link, Status, EPA_Num, etc.) were populated with corresponding information for each TMDL report. The NJDEP TMDL-program refined TMDL geodatabase was subsequently reviewed by the NJDEP-BGIS. Topology review resulted in minor tweaks to the database.
Process Date: 20150801
Process Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Bureau of Environmental Analysis, Restoration and Standards (BEARS)
Contact Person: Frank Klapinski, Jr.
Contact Position: Environmental Scientist
Contact Address:
Address Type: physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 633-1441
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Process Step:
Process Description:
The update included new TMDL work (e.g. Total Maximum Daily Load Report For the Non-Tidal Raritan River Basin Addressing Total Phosphorus, Dissolved Oxygen, pH and Total Suspended Solids Impairments) that the NJDEP has completed since the previous versions of the TMDL datasets. A few corrections to the attribute information and spatial extent of the previous TMDL geodatabase were also made. The links to the TMDL documents were fixed after some web locations of TMDL reports were moved.
Process Date: 20160919
Process Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Bureau of Environmental Analysis, Restoration and Standards (BEARS)
Contact Person: Frank Klapinski, Jr.
Contact Position: Environmental Scientist
Contact Address:
Address Type: physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 633-1441
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Process Step:
Process Description:
The links to the TMDL documents were fixed after some web locations of TMDL reports were moved.
Process Date: 20180912
Process Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Bureau of Environmental Analysis, Restoration and Standards (BEARS)
Contact Person: Aynan Zaman
Contact Position: Environmental Scientist
Contact Address:
Address Type: physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: (609) 633-1441
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Spatial Data Organization Information:
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Point and Vector Object Information:
SDTS Terms Description:
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
Point and Vector Object Count: 443
Entity and Attribute Information:
Detailed Description:
Entity Type:
Entity Type Label: Envr_mon_TMDL_shellfish
Entity Type Definition: NJDEP Statewide Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) for Shellfish-Impaired Waters
Entity Type Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Label: OBJECTID
Attribute Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition Source: Esri
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute Label: Shape
Attribute Definition: Feature geometry
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Coordinates defining the features
Attribute Label: WR_NAME
Attribute Definition: Water Region Name based from number
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: WMA
Attribute Definition: Watershed Management Area (number)
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 1
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Upper Delaware
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Wallkill
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Pompton, Pequannock, Wanaque, Ramapo
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 4
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Lower Passaic and Saddle
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 5
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Hackensack, Hudson, and Pascack
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 6
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Upper and Mid Passaic, Whippany, and Rockaway
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 7
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Arthur Kill
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 8
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: North & South Branch Raritan
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 9
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Lower Raritan, South River, and Lawrence
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 10
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Millstone
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 11
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Central Delaware
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 12
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Monmouth
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 13
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Barnegat Bay
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 14
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Mullica
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 15
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Great Egg Harbor
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 16
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Cape May
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 17
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Maurice, Salem, and Cohansey
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 18
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Lower Delaware
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 19
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rancocas
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 20
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Assiscunk, Crosswicks, Doctors
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Label: TMDL_TITLE
Attribute Definition: Title of TMDL document
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: TMDL_DATE
Attribute Definition: Date TMDL document was approved
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique date
Attribute Label: PARAMETER
Attribute Definition: Pollutant that TMDL addresses
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Total Coliform
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Total Coliform
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Label: SITE_NAME
Attribute Definition: Unique site name
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: TMDL_GROUP
Attribute Definition: TMDL grouping
Attribute Definition Source: TMDL Modeling Report
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: TMDL grouping entry
Attribute Label: NJDEPLink
Attribute Definition: Link to NJDEP document pdf
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: STATUS
Attribute Definition: Status of TMDL if it was approved or adopted
Attribute Definition Source: NJDEP
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: EPALink
Attribute Definition: Link to EPA document pdf
Attribute Definition Source: EPA
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: EPA_NUM
Attribute Definition: EPA TMDL number
Attribute Definition Source: EPA
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: EPA_NUM2
Attribute Definition: EPA TMDL number
Attribute Definition Source: EPA
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: EPA_NUM3
Attribute Definition: EPA TMDL number
Attribute Definition Source: EPA
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: EPA_NUM4
Attribute Definition: EPA TMDL number
Attribute Definition Source: EPA
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: EPA_NUM5
Attribute Definition: EPA TMDL number
Attribute Definition Source: EPA
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: unique entry
Attribute Label: Shape_Length
Attribute Definition: Length of feature in internal units.
Attribute Definition Source: Esri
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute Label: Shape_Area
Attribute Definition: Area of feature in internal units squared.
Attribute Definition Source: Esri
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
Distribution Information:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: NJDEP/DOIT/BGIS
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical
Address: 401 East State Street, First Floor, PO Box 428
City: Trenton
State or Province: New Jersey
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: 609-777-0672
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 609-292-7900
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Resource Description: Downloadable Data
Distribution Liability: This organization provides the geographic data "as is". This organization makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. Also, this organization makes no warranty either expressed or implied, regarding the condition of the product or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these files have been processed successfully on computers at this organization, no warranty is made by this organization regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty. See also "Use Constraints" for additional distribution and/or data use requirements.
Standard Order Process:
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: DEP distributes ESRI .SHP and/or GDB. Some data may be NJ GeoWeb "display only" layers.
Format Version Number: latest version
File Decompression Technique: WinZip
Digital Transfer Option:
Online Option:
Computer Contact Information:
Network Address:
Network Resource Name:
Computer Contact Information:
Network Address:
Network Resource Name:
Fees: none
Ordering Instructions: All available NJDEP public GIS data can be downloaded for free. Some data shown in NJGeoWeb application may not yet be available for download due to various data or distribution issues. Please email with any data distribution questions.
Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata Date: 20240425
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: NJDEP/BEARS
Contact Person: Frank Klapinski, Jr.
Contact Position: Environmental Scientist
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical
Address: 401 East State Street
City: Trenton
State or Province: New Jersey
Postal Code: 08625
Contact Voice Telephone: 609-633-1441
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 609-633-1980
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention: local time