Historical USGS Topographic Map Images of New Jersey Web Map Service (WMS)

Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 20151123
Title: Historical USGS Topographic Map Images of New Jersey Web Map Service (WMS)
Edition: Second edition of the service. No change to underlying data in this edition.
Publication Information:
Publisher: NJ Office of Information Technology (NJOIT), Office of Geographic Information Systems (OGIS)
Online Linkage: https://newjersey.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=81697227963d42fb9661cd1707955ef0
Abstract: This Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant Web Map Service (WMS) includes a mosaic of historical USGS topographic maps of New Jersey surveyed from 1881 to 1924. This product is to be used for reference purposes only. The original historical paper maps were distorted or damaged to varying degrees due to age and use. During visual testing, it appeared that spatial inaccuracies in the images exceed 200 feet in several locations. The digital product has not been corrected for distortion nor vertical displacement. Consequently, this product does not meet the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA). The mosaic was produced by scanning 15 minute (1:62,500 scale) historical USGS topographic paper maps at 600 dpi and saving them as Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) images. The scanned TIFFs have an approximate pixel resolution of 17 feet. The map images were georeferenced to a fishnet in their native coordinate system and then reprojected to NAD83 NJ State Plane coordinates for use in this service. In most client software, the default spatial reference system of the service will be Geographic Coordinates, WGS84. Several other coordinate systems are supported natively by the WMS (see Supplemental Information).
Purpose: This map service was created to provide convenient internet access to USGS historical maps. It can be used by anyone with internet access and client software that can consume Open Geospatial Consortium compliant Web Map Services (WMS).This map service was also created for display on The National Map.
Supplemental Information: See Distribution Information, Ordering Instructions, for important details on how to use the service in ArcMap and ArcCatalog (ESRI desktop mapping products). In addition to the default spatial reference, this NJOIT OGIS WMS service supports requests for data delivered natively in the following coordinate reference systems: -EPSG::3424 NAD83 NJ State Plane coordinates, US Survey feet (Transverse Mercator projection) -EPSG::2959 NAD83 (CSRS) Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 18N -EPSG::3616 NAD83(NSRS2007) NJ State Plane coordinates, US Survey feet (Transverse Mercator projection) -EPSG::3857 WGS84 Web Mercator aka Pseudo-Mercator, Spherical Mercator or Popular Visualization CRS -EPSG::4269 NAD83 Geographic Coordinates -EPSG::4326 WGS84 Geographic Coordinates -EPSG::102711 ESRI NAD83 NJ State Plane coordinates, US Survey feet (Transverse Mercator projection) The Milford 1913 and Bushkill 1924 map images were obtained from the USGS Delaware Basin Project website (http://mcmcweb.er.usgs.gov/de_river_basin/de_water_gap/data_list.html) because they were missing from the original historical map set. They were added to the mosaic to provide full coverage of New Jersey. A "fishnet" of 15 minute tiles was created to georeference the map images. The fishnet was created in the maps' native coordinate system, Clarke 1866, and re-projected to New Jersey State Plane feet NAD83. The TIFFs were then georeferenced to the tiles and clipped to remove the collars (border areas of the maps), and reprojected to NAD83 NJ State Plane coordinates, U.S. Survey feet. The TIFFs were converted to JPEG2000 files to be used in the mosaic for the WMS. Service connection URL was changed in 2015 to accommodate technical limitations of the hosting software.
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Range of Dates/Times:
Beginning Date: 18810101
Ending Date: 19241231
Currentness Reference: Ground condition
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: None planned
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -75.797592
East Bounding Coordinate: -73.737904
North Bounding Coordinate: 41.501424
South Bounding Coordinate: 38.742631
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: Historic maps
Theme Keyword: USGS
Theme Keyword: U.S.G.S
Theme Keyword: Topographic maps
Theme Keyword: Historical maps
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Theme Keyword: imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
Place Keyword Thesaurus: None
Place Keyword: New Jersey
Place Keyword: NJ
Access Constraints: None
Use Constraints: This map service is to be used for reference purposes only. The paper maps scanned to provide this map service were distorted or damaged to varying degrees due to age and use. This digital product has not been corrected for distortion or vertical displacement and does not meet the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA). Please be aware that there are size limits on images requested from our WMS. To limit the load on our servers, the maximum image width and length is 4096 x 4096.See Distribution Liability, and other production information in this metadata record, for other limitations. Acknowledgement of the map service provider, State of New Jersey Office of Information Technology, Office of Geographic Information Systems (NJOIT-OGIS), as the source for data and map products derived from this map service, would be appreciated.
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: NJ Office of Information Technology (NJOIT), Office of Geographic Information Systems (OGIS)
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing
Address: PO Box 212
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625-0212
Country: US
Contact Voice Telephone: 609.633.9103
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 609.633.0400
Contact Electronic Mail Address: njgin@oit.nj.gov
Data Set Credit: Historical USGS topographic maps of New Jersey - created by the United States Geological Survey. Historical USGS topographic maps of New Jersey paper map set - provided by the Upper Raritan Watershed Association, Bedminster, New Jersey. Historical USGS topographic map images of New Jersey - scanned by the Rutgers University Environmental Digital Library, New Brunswick, New Jersey; scanning process managed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Geographic Informations Systems, Trenton, New Jersey; georeferenced by the New Jersey Office of Information Technology, Office of Geographic Information Systems, Trenton, New Jersey. The Milford 1913 and Bushkill 1924 map images were obtained from the USGS Delaware Basin Project website (https://mcmcweb.er.usgs.gov/de_river_basin/de_water_gap/data_list.html)
Distribution Information:
Resource Description: Live Data and Maps
Distribution Liability: The State of New Jersey makes great effort to provide secure, accurate, and complete data and metadata. However, portions of the data and metadata may be incorrect or not current. Any errors or omissions should be reported for investigation. The State of New Jersey, its officers, employees or agents shall not be liable for damages or losses of any kind arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of data and metadata, including but not limited to, damages or losses caused by reliance upon the accuracy or timeliness of any such data and metadata, or damages incurred from the viewing, distributing, or copying of those materials. The data and metadata are provided "as is." No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to the data and metadata, or its hyperlinks to other Internet resources. The State disclaims any duty or obligation either to maintain availability of or to update the data and metadata.
Standard Order Process:
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Option:
Online Option:
Computer Contact Information:
Network Address:
Network Resource Name: https://img.nj.gov/imagerywms/HistoricalMaps
Access Instructions: Direct download of zipped file geodatabase.
Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata Date: 20190123
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: NJ Office of Information Technology (NJOIT), Office of Geographic Information Systems (OGIS)
Contact Person: Edith Konopka
Contact Position: GIS Specialist
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing
Address: PO Box 212
City: Trenton
State or Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08625-0212
Country: US
Contact Voice Telephone: 609.777.3774
Contact Electronic Mail Address: edith.konopka@oit.nj.gov
Hours: 9-4
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention: local time